addac system addac703 discrete mixer
price : $225.00
here's the second module of our 700's heritage series. inspired by moog cp3 mixer, this is a totally discrete analog mixer and it's not, by any means, your standard breakfast mixer, although it can behave like
one. this is a wolf in sheep's clothing. despite its harmless looks there's a dark snarly soul behind that panel that wants to take your sounds into a realm of gritty gnarly growls.
4 independent channels with input jack and volume knob
1 feedback/gate knob
master output volume knob
6 front panel trimmers allows user to adjust the input resistor trimmer for each channel, feedback and master output
1 front panel trimmer allows to adjust the mix bias
format: eurorack
width: 8 hp
depth: 3 cm
max current: 60ma.
bus board cable: 8x2 idc (doepfer style) connector.
black screws
black fibre washers