sl16 aka oberkorn sliders
price : $699.00
whilst most new analogue sequencers only offer a limiting 8 steps, the oberkorn offers the all important 16 steps. it is a multi-channel true analogue sequencer with some
remarkable features. below are a list of main features:
1 control voltage channel.
2 separate gate channels. the switches are 3 position providing the 2 gate outputs, with centre being off.
clear step leds. the 16 step leds are colour coded so locating whole note steps is easy.
reset to 16. just about all other analogue sequencer have an inherent error, in that after resetting the machine (to step 1), when restarting the sequencer, it actually starts on
step 2! with our reset to 16, this problem is overcome.
inputs outputs power supply
external clock internal clock +/- 12v, 5v
4x mux control step 1 pulse
reset cv x1
gate x2
controls indicators size
16 cv sliders tempo led 84hp
16 gate switches (3 position) coloured step leds x17
tempo pot
int/stop/ext run/stop switch
reset to 1 button
reset to 16 button
step button
the sl16 comes mounted in a powered case, with power supply and user manual.