antimatter audio launch codes
price : $229.00
the launch codes is a compact modular performance source for manual or sequenced triggering and gating of five separate channels.
controller mode:
the launch codes functions as a realtime manual performance switch controller providing trigger, momentary gate, or latched/toggle gate voltage outputs, selectable per each of the five channels. the settings
and states of these channels can be saved and recalled.
sequencer mode, chains, cv:
the launch codes also acts as a clocked performance sequencer for five trigger/gate events. sequences are up to 32 steps long for each of the 5 patterns, for a total of 320 steps (20 bars). recording is
always enabled, and sequences are entered by tapping or holding the channel buttons. patterns can be expressively chained in the order pressed (324, 415, etc...). launch codes will continually loop through
this chain, or a single pattern. a reset port is provided to reset the sequencer to the first step. a special cv address mode allows the reset port to address the sequence directly through external voltage
to modulate the sequence position. the clock input can be combined with the cv input to generate stuttered, glitchy beats, or to mimic more subtle fills, rolls, and accents. all settings and sequences can be
stored in internal memory for future use after power off. the launch codes can recall the internal memory at any time. the launch codes is a compact modular performance source for manual or sequenced
triggering and gating of five separate channels.controller mode:the launch codes functions as a realtime manual performance switch...
fast performance oriented interface
controller mode with 5 channels of trigger, momentary gate, and latched gate modes
sequencer mode with 5 channels of trigger or gate sequencing
5 32-step patterns
smart pattern chaining loops pattern chains in the order pressed
saving and recall of all settings, patterns, pattern chain, and controller states
pattern randomizer weighted by how quickly the random button is tapped
easy clearing of channels or whole patterns
reset port to synchronize the sequencer with other devices
cv scrub mode turns the reset port into a cv address port to modulate the sequence position
provide triggers to envelopes or drum modules, use as a programmable
clock divider, progress voltage sequencers (like the brain seed), latch vcas or switches to provide structure to a multi-voice patch, etc...
width: 6hp