blue lantern simple adsr
price : $89.00
depth: 1.5 inches
current: +18ma, -8ma
power format: doepfer compatible 12v headroom
what does this do?
this module is an envelope generator. it offers attack, decay, sustain, release, and a 'time' knob to alter the length of the stage or 'loop'. you use this module to control other modules, for example: vca's,
vco's pitch, filter's. when in loop mode, the output is audible.
control knobs: attack, decay, sustain, release, time.
switches; linear or exponential mode. there is also a switch for normal one pass, gated mode, or loop mode. gated mode is like loop mode but it will only cycle with a gate signal patched up.
outputs: (3) simultaneous envelope outs.
inputs: (1) gate or trigger input, there is a passive thru jack for you to keep daisy chaining the gate patch to other envelope generator. yup i thought of everything.