bubblesound pan
price : $149.00
pan is a single input panning module. the clk pot is the rate for a built in lfo with a range of 15 seconds to 175hz. the lfo's triangle output is normalized to cv1. since pan is based around a pair of vcas
when the cv inputs are at audio rate it becomes a slightly unpredictable ring modulator with a pair of outputs.
the input is dc coupled so the pan module is equally good for panning an lfo to 2 different destinations as it is for panning audio from left to right.
when the pan pot is centered and a +-5v modulator is plugged in and the cv pot at 100% the input will swing from fully left to full right.
lfo - 15 sec - 175hz
width: 4hp
max depth: 20mm
power: 30ma@ +12v , 30ma@ -12v , 0ma@ +5v