bugbrand postcard weevil
price : $90.00
the postcard remains quite a simple weevil, but within the diminutive c. 8 x 8 cm board there exists a joyous sonic world. as with previous postcards, the core is still a three-osc-ring-mod setup, but several
areas have been upgraded to make a more playable and rugged design:
improved dials
the new postcard benefits from the same miniature dials used on the popular boardweevil. they have a great feel and give a much better indication of what the settings are.
updated line-output
the previous postcard had a somewhat chaotic level of line output - it would be quite quiet when running in starvation, but would jump greatly as full-power was approached. a simple extra ic chip now provides a
much more stable output level while maintaining the sonic characteristics.
screened blue pcb with gold plated touch-points for improved appearance and clarity.

battery polarity protection
cardboard presentation box with printed instruction sheet and foam inserts.
referring to the block diagram shown above (right): the sonic core features three lofi squarewave oscillators, each with a pitch dial, and these oscs are combined in two quasi-ringmods. from here the signal
passes through a driver/leveler before a level (volume) control and mono minijack output. if no cable is plugged then the signal passes on to the onboard miniamp & speaker.
a simple setup, but the real wonder comes from the two 'circuit-bent' additions of power starvation and body contacts. the starve dial simulates the battery supply to the osc-core running down and sends the
section into audio-acrobatics. the body contacts link you directly to points in the circuit and as you touch different combinations, the signal flow alters in semi-controllable ways. the postcard constantly
surprises in its range of sounds
youtube demo video here.