cusack music screamer
price : $200.00
the cusack screamer is the first real inovation in the "screamer" market. yes it's a tube screamer copy, but it's much more than that.
the cusack screamer is a "clean" overdrive with about twice the gain of a typical tube screamer. it offers much more clarity than a typical overdrive. you can actually hear the
individual notes of complex chords that would normally be buried.
"hey, what's that toggle for?"
well, that's the clip selector, which allows you to select either the standard, crushed, or assymetrical led clipping!
""why is there an led above the new clip selector?"
that's the all new led clip-o-meter! that's right boys and girls, you can now see your guitar clipping! what's more, if you drive it hard with another pedal, you can use it as a
"strobe tuner". just hit your 5th fret, and the next open, just as you would tune by ear. when the clip-o-meter stops blinking, you are in tune!
sound clips
generic clips
a '59 historic les paul with burstbuckers through a cusack screamer, into a princeton reverb.
hear it
ashley peacock clips from the album begin
almost anything
laser beams
lindsay miller clips from the conductress & the lady elect
cut the knot, take the key
download the manual here
for more info, please click here for the manufacturer's website.