delta sound labs mobula
price : $150.00
mobula is our faithful take on the classic arp 2600 ring modulator model 4014. this particular processor is renowned the world over for its clean sounding ring modulation effect. due to its unconventional
circuit design, where the positive and negative parts of the signal split between two two-quadrant multipliers, it achieves what is referred to as a four quadrant multiplication. built with a combination of
modern closely matched and discrete transistors this super skiff friendly module is faithful to all of the original features, with the single addition of independent switching of input signal dc-blocking. this
module is dc-coupled; meaning it will happily process both control voltages and audio signals at the flick of a switch. the unique electronic architecture leads to both significantly increased low frequency
response and superior carrier suppression when compared to traditional transformer based ring modulation designs.
width: 8hp
depth: 20mm