a boost with two modes, one dirty (05) with +35db of boost, and one clean (25) with +25db of boost.
i would not say that the 0525 is a treble boost, but it definitely adds sparkle.
works well with bass, guitar, vocals, synths, drums, and anything else you can run through it.
volume knob : lots of gain on tap, even more when in 05 mode
control knob : adds more dirt when in 05 mode, adds more boost in 25 mone
0525 flip switch : toggles between 25 clean boost and 05 dirty boost
true bypass
mxr sized enclosure
boutique quality components
incredibly low ma draw
silicon transistor based
9 volt, 2.1 mm, negative tip power jack
9 volt battery snap inside (unscrew the back plate)
sound samples::
dirty cousins by lowwoods
05 with the bass brings out some interesting highs i haven't been able to achieve. 25 is perty and a great foundation effect. 05 is so dirty that i need to take a baff.
1) drums - korg emx (blue) > mbox
2) bass - warwick streamer standard 5-string > 05 > mbox
3) guitar one - clean rhythm - lespaulultra > 25 > mbox
4) guitar two - dirty rhythm - lespaulultra > 05 > mbox
5) guitar three - blues riff a - lespaulultra > 05 > mbox
6) guitar four - blues riff b - lespaulultra > 05 > mbox
7) guitar five - riff a - lespaulultra > 05 > mbox
8) guitar six - riff b - lespaulultra > 05 > mbox
9) guitar seven - lead - lespaulultra > crybaby (gcb-95) > 05 > mbox
alley cat by lowwoods
it's starting to get cold outside so warm up with some tubes. while you're at it bring your 05/25 and it'll add an "eleven" to your amp (but bring the fire extinguisher just in case).
1) drums - korg emx (blue) > mbox
2) bass - warwick streamer standard5string > 05 > mbox
3) dirtyguitar - guitar* > 05 > amp** > mic*** > mbox
4) dirtierguitar - guitar* > 05 > amp** > mic ***> mbox
5) cleanguitar - guitar* > 25 > amp** > mic*** > mbox
6) lead - guitar* > crybaby gcb95 > 05 > amp** > mic*** >mbox
* epiphone les paul ultra
** fender blues jr. (15w)
*** shure ksm32
raw uncompressed uneq'd tones!!! headphone it!
stereophonic by lowwoods
stereophonic is the 05/25's ode to signal processing. you know it's a great foundation effect when it's a great stand-alone effect.
1) drums - korg emx (blue) > mbox
2) bass - warwick streamer standard > 25 > mbox
3) guitar one - dirty rhythm-les paul ultra > 05 > mbox
4) guitar two - dirtier rhythm-les paul ultra > 05 > mbox
5) guitar three - wah riff-les paul ultra > crybaby gcb-95 > 05 > mbox
6) tableone - narrator - stanton880(d5200sk)-vestaxpcv003 > 05 > mbox
7) tabletwo - stereoleft - stanton880(d5200sk)-vestaxpcv003 > 05 > mbox
8) tablethree - stereoright - stanton880(d5200sk)-vestaxpcv003 > 05 > mbox
9) tablefour - stereoleft - stanton880(tiirs)-vestaxpcv003 >25 > mbox
10) tablefive - stereo right - stanton880(tiirs)-vestaxpcv003 >25 > mbox
example of 0525 tone change (volume set to unity gain) : clean first, then 0525 on, by devi ever
example of 0525 boost amount (volume set to maximum) : clean first, then 0525 on, by devi ever