effector 13 truly beautiful disaster
price : $225.00

the tbd consists of two effects in one pedal. first, there is the feed back loop (with photo-sensitive eye),
which enhances effects placed in the send and return loop of the tbd. second, there is the oscillating fuzz, which adds an
amazing amount of texture (and if needed, chaos) to the effect in the feedback loop. the feed back loop runs _before_ the
oscillating fuzz, and they are both seperate, which means you can have one on at a time, or both.
feed back loops and oscillating fuzz's have actually been around for the past few years, but i'm sure a lot of you are still
a little confused as to what exactly a feedback loop is (as well as how it works), and what the hell and "oscillating" fuzz
is. below is feed back loop information taken from the current text-based instructions for the tbd.
the feedback loop in depth:
the feedback loop of the tbd is where some amazing stuff happens. to insert an effect into the loop, simply connect a cable
from the send of the tbd to the input of an effect, then connect a cable from output of the effect to the return of the tbd.
now, turn the feedback switch on to engage the self-oscillation.
after much experimentation, i've found there to be three categories of effects that tend to be effected
1) distortion / fuzz / overdrive - for the most part, these effects will generate a feedback tone that adds both depth and
slight fluctuations to your guitar's signal depending on how, and where on the neck, you play riffs and chords. the feedback
knob tends to alter the pitch and intensity of the feedback tone.
2) delay / reverb - self oscillation and delay go hand in hand. have you ever heard of a delay, that as you increase the
feedback knob on the effect, the delay keep going and going, louder and louder, until all you hear is a wall of pulsating
noise? well, not all delays can achieve this, but with the help of the tbd, many can. for the most part, the feedback loop
will make delay effects feedback into aforementioned wall-of-noise.
3) chorus / phase / flange - many modulation effects have a knob labeled "resonation" or sometimes even "feedback". the
feedback loop of the tbd has been known to act in the same way as this control, adding a bit more resonance and sharpness to
modulation effects.
the photo-sensitive eye:
next to the foot switch, is a small clear covering that houses the photo-sensitive eye. make sure the feedback switch is in
the on position. now turn on the eye switch. there will most likely be an alteration in the sound of the feedback loop when
the photo-sensitive eye is on.
the photo-sensitive eye effects the intensity of the feedback loop just like the feedback knob. being a photo-sensitive
device, the eye can vary the intensity of the feedback loop depending on many factors involving the lighting condition of the
room you are in. it is generally suggested that it be used in a setting with a decent amount of ambient light, but with a
direct light source positioned over the photo-sensitive eye.
with the above set-up in place, you will find that by moving your hand or foot over the eye, you can alter the sound of the
feedback loop in a very manual and organic way.
though the above set-up is recommended for maximum control over the feedback intensity, it has also been suggested to try
alternate setups such as a dark room with a single spot light over the tbd, or complete darkness and a strobe light or other
flashing light source angled towards the photo-sensitive eye.
hints and tips:
though most pedals tend to self-oscillate fairly well with the tbd, not all pedals will. this might seem counter-intuitive in
some cases, but electronics can often be mean and tricky things.
with the feedback loop on, pedals become different kinds of devices, which means you may have to re-learn their controls. for
instance, the tone knob of a distortion device might act more as a feedback pitch control, or the volume knob will actually
help increase the amount of feedback. in many cases, you will find yourself with "sweet-spots" where certain very specific
knob positions will create just the sound you are looking for.
don't be afraid to put more than one effect in the feedback loop of the tbd, but realize when you do, it becomes a whole
other world of complexity and experimentation. for instance, you may find that your favorite delay self-oscillates
beautifully by itself in the feedback loop, but when you team it up with your favorite fuzz pedal, nothing happens! on the
other hand, there are some insane combinations of effects that can creates sounds as diverse and complicated as the best
analog synth machines out there.
click here to hear the truly beautiful disaster in action!