digitone keys: 8 voice polyphonic digital synthesizer
price : $1,299.00
this eight voice polyphonic synthesizer keyboard is a performance machine that can usher in soundscapes of distant dreams and worlds previously out of reach. the 37-key velocity and pressure sensitive keyboard
with aftertouch gives you a whole new level of expression and control of the digitone's intuitive sound engine.
imagine the sound of whispering dunes, rolling thunder, or the twinkle of distant stars. these are the things that dreams are made of.
restrictions are for the dreamless.
with this ready-to-go performance machine, curiosity is all you need. wield the digitone's powerful sound engine with even more control with intuitive sound crafting, 37 keys, 8 voice polyphony, mod and pitch
wheels, dedicated outputs per track, and brand new customizable controls. multimap lets you configure and assign individual sounds per region, triggering sounds or patterns with the tap of a key, while the
ability to use portamento and arpeggio flourishes with the freedom of three octaves. twist through the looking glass and back with the flick of a wrist.
sculpt your sound.
with the digitone's powerful and easy to use fm engine you have digitone dynamism in keyboard form. a variety of dedicated features put the power at your fingertips. get maximum control out of the machine with
eight new assignable knobs. choose the function you want for each knob to tailor your digitone keys, and then let loose. the freedom to switch between tempestuous and serene soundscapes in an instant is laid
out in front of you. in an elektron first, the digitone keys helps you liberate your live show with a flexible mod and pitch wheel setup, allowing you to warp your sound to another world with multiple
get connected
with separate outputs for each track, connecting to external effects mixers and pedals, audio interfaces, and modulation sources is easier than ever before. pinpoint single digitone keys tracks to process
independently from the rest of your sound.
specifications: synth voice features
8 voice polyphony (4-part multitimbral)
multiple fm algorithms
multiple operator harmonics
1 ✕ multimode filter per voice
1 ✕ base-width filter per voice
1 ✕ overdrive per voice
2 ✕ assignable lfo per voice
2048 patch storage capacity on the +drive
4 ✕ synth tracks
4 ✕ midi tracks
arpeggiator per synth track
polyphonic sequencing
individual track lengths
parameter locks
micro timing
trig conditions
sound per step change
128 ✕ projects on the +drive
8 ✕ banks 16 ✕ patterns per project