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zone b.f.: dual lfo

price : $109.00

Zone B.F.: Dual LFO

the zone b.f. module is an element of the capsule titan. zone basses fréquences stands for low frequency zone. this module is composed of 2 lfos, both lfos have 16 sync-able waveforms

speed : speed of the lfo, range from 0.1 hz to +/-200 hz

wave (lfo 1 & 2) : 16 syncable waveforms;
ramp down
ramp up
stepped ramp up
short impulse square'
short impulse triangle
stepped square ramp down
random stepped
growing random ramp up (staircase)
random impulse size squares
random impulse size triangles
pitched noise

the zone b.f. (black edition onwards) now features an additional mode. on the back of the pcb you will find two jumpers, marked as jp1. cv1 is lfo channel 1 and cv2 is lfo channel 2. by moving the jumper so it sits on one leg (rather than 2 as when you have received the module), the sync input for either lfo channel now becomes lfo speed input, controllable via cv

5 hp
40 ma +12v
10 ma -12v
0 ma 5v

Analogue Haven