erfindungsbüro rest & maier midiclock+
price : $240.00
modular whip
price : $25.00
the midiclock+ is capable to sync all your midi clock, din sync and modular gear without a glitch. configure each output function individually and control the global tempo in a range from 40-300 bpm.
improve your musical setup with a jitterfree masterclock and get rid of sloppy timing. whether you need a small & reliable clock source for your hardware gear or just want to improve the synchronisation of your
daws: you should always choose a midiclock+!
improve your musical setup
the midiclock+ generates incredibly accurate midi clock messages, din sync & analog clock pulses. improve your musical setup now by removing clock jitter and get rid of sloppy timing. it has two din output
sockets to connect to your gear. each of them can be configured individually to midi clock, din sync (sync24) or analog clock. clock signals can be distributed to numerous slaves by using midi thru boxes, din
sync hubs and modular multiples.
'normal' and 'live' mode
how to actually set the bpm depends on the operating mode:
while using 'live' mode, the bpm change immediately by turning the knob. you can use this mode if you want to make smooth tempo changes in your performancea and are aware, that every turn of the knob changes the
bpm. in the 'normal' mode, the changed value must be confirmed with a single click of the knob. this mode is perfect if you want to set your tempo once and simply need a stable clock signal. accidental turning
of the knob doesn't affect your bpm.
'resync' functionality
while playback, the midiclock+ is always able to resync all midi clock gear on the next downbeat. if one of your slaves gets out of sync by any reason, just push the resync button and everything is aligned
again on the next stroke without stopping your performance. don't worry about your live performance anymore, if anything gets messed up with your slaves you are back in sync within a second.
updates and changes
the midiclock+ contains a lot of updates and changes compared to the previous model:
other clocks
in addition to the usual midi clock you can configure each output to deliver an alternative clock format. you do this by flicking the respective little switch on the backside to din.
din sync
the default alternate function is din sync/sync24. you can connect any din sync capable device and sync it to your midi gear. the midiclock+ implements start, stop and - unlike a lot of other devices - pause and
analog clock
the auxiliary alternate function is modular analog clock. push the encoder while connecting power to set it up. the display shows euro for three seconds. this setting is non-permanent. clock rate is 8ppq, reset
pulse is positive. use our optional modular whip to break out to popular minijack.
bpm range
the bpm range in the midiclock+ is extended from 60-200 bpm to 40-300 bpm. enjoy it.
bpm steps
in normal mode you can configure the tempo in steps of 0.5 bpm. nevertheless, if you need to control your speed with a finer granularity, switch to live mode and simply push & turn the encoder.