expert sleepers es-40
price : $130.00
the es-40 is a eurorack format module which converts a standard s/pdif input to five channels of expansion headers, which are used in conjunction with the expert sleepers esx range of expanders (currently
including the esx-8gt, the esx-4cv, the esx-8cv and the esx-8md).
the es-40 will connect to any audio device using the s/pdif standard. this includes the digital audio output provided as standard on many recent macs (more info here on the mac connection).
the es-40 also includes an s/pdif output for sending data back to the computer. this output is used by expansion modules connected to the es-40; currenty, the only such module is the es-7 cv input
the es-40 is essentially an es-4 with the dacs and cv outputs removed. much of what has been written about the es-4, and many tutorial videos etc., still apply to the es-40.
suggested combinations
the es-40 does nothing by itself, but forms the basis of a very configurable system. simply add the expansion modules you need. here are some ideas:
8 general purpose cvs - an es-40 plus an esx-8cv gives you a flexible, general purpose modular controller.
8 cv/gate pairs - an es-40, an esx-8cv and an esx-8gt gives you enough outputs for 8 classic monosynths - or to realise that 8 voice polyphonic modular you've been dreaming of.
8 drum triggers - an es-40 and an esx-8gt gives you 8 triggers for your rack of drum modules, for the ultimate in sample-accurate rhythm. add up to four more esx-8gts for up to 40 triggers/gates/clocks!
midi & dinsync - an es-40 and an esx-8md form a sample-accurate, jitter-free, multi-port midi interface.
digital audio - an es-40 and an es-7 gives you two channels of 24 bit analogue-to-digital conversion to get your modular audio into your daw.
panel width: 6hp
module depth: 51mm
digital input: coaxial s/pdif, standard rates up to 192khz
digital output: coaxial s/pdif
indicators: led for s/pdif sync lock
5 headers for connecting esx series modules
digital audio i/o header (i2s format) for input expansion (e.g. es-7)
current draw: 26ma on the +12v rail only (rises with sample rate; 26ma at 48khz, 32ma at 96khz etc.)
the front panel is drilled for both doepfer and analogue systems mounting holes (using a 'slot' rather than a single round hole). the power connector is a doepfer standard 16 way idc, with -12v furthest from
the top of the board.
software requirements
unlike the es-3, the es-40 requires particular software in order to generate meaningful output signals. currently, the only such software is the 'es-4 controller' plug-in, part of expert sleepers silent way,
and our max/msp external. note that the es-40 works with all software written for the (previously available) es-4 - software-wise, the two are interchangable.
silent way is available in audiounit, vst & aax formats for mac os x and windows. use of silent way therefore requires a compatible host application (daw).
a silent way licence is not included with the es-40 - however, the es-4 controller plug-in functions in a licence-free mode, so es-40 users are not forced to buy silent way. such users can than evaluate the
rest of the silent way suite in demo mode.