flame joyrec 2-axis joystick - cv recorder - cv source
price : $169.00
the joyrec is a small compact joystick module with recording function. the module can record the joystick movement to a length of about one minute. the sequence remains stored in the battery-backed ram after
switching off. when playing back the sequence, the playback speed can be manipulated.
there is a freeze function to hold the current joystick position. also there are an external reset input. in addition, when moving outside the center position, a gate is set and an additional positive cv
voltage (summation of x and y) is output in dependence. a gate / start input is used for resetting or recording in sync.
the ranges of the x / y output voltages are bipolar adjustable from approx. ±5v or unipolar from approx. 0 to + 10v. both channels x and y have a passive attenuator potentiometer, so that the voltage range
can also be set lower.
cv-out-x: cv output x-axis bipolar or unipolar
cv-out-y: cv output y-axis bipolar or unipolar
cv-out move: cv output joystick movement 0..+5v
trigger-in: trigger input reset/start
trigger-out: trigger output reset/start signal ca. 10ms lenght
gate-activity: gate output joystick movement
size: 8hp
current consumption: ca. +50ma / - 5ma
download the users manual here.