frequency central loop/env generator
price : $275.00
the loop/env is a voltage controllable and very flexible adsr module. it's based around the electric druid loopenv1 pic, which is a digital clone of cem 3312 / ssm 2056. it offers cv control over the
envelopes complete time, positive, negative and bi-polar outputs. it is switchable between linear and exponential curves and can either be used as a traditional adsr or in loop mode can function like an lfo
(the different outputs come in very handy here especially the +/-), it can also go well up into the audio range in this mode. the envelope is "snappier than a piranha jacuzzi" minimum envelope times of 1ms
through to long envelope times and everything inbetween.
3 modes (on/off/on toggle):
toggle up = vcadsr
toggle middle = gated looping (will only loop when there is a gate present)
toggle down = looping , ie vclfo
how the looping works:
sustain set to zero - cycles through the attack and decay only, the release then sets the 'off time' - very cool.
sustain set higher than zero but lower than maximum - cycles through attack and decay until the decay reaches the sustain level, then it goes into release. there are some superb weird waveforms to be had
sustain set to maximum - cycles though attack and release only. decay sets the 'on time' ie how long it holds high after attack but before release.