frequency central wave runner
price : $199.00
wave runner is a multi-waveform sync-able lfo based on the electric druid taplfo2d family of code, but with some significant additions and improvements. the taplfo2d-fc pic and code is exclusive to frequency
central and was developed specifically for the wave runner, and is not compatible with similar modules.
8 waveforms:
sample and hold
stepped triangle/sawtooth/ramp
all waveforms can be skewed using the distort knob, as well as control over pulse width of square, and distortion of the cyclic waveforms, this get you control over noise freq as well as bitcrushing, bitcrush of
s/h down to 1 bit for random triggers.
tap sync input, for syncing to whatever. wave runner measures the last two incoming pulses and syncs itself to these. multiply knob allows for wave runner to run at x0.5, x1, x1.5, x2, x3 and x4 of the incoming
sync pulse. freq is from stupid slow (0.025hz) into low audio range (50hz).
module is 4hp, and 45mm deep.