hexinverter.net mutant brain
price : $219.00
the mutant brain is the central nervous system connecting your modular analog eurorack system to midi gear, especially for percussion, polyphonic notes and sync duties! it packs 16 eurorack compatible
outputs into a tiny, super affordable 8hp package.
the 4 cv outputs and 12 gate/trig outputs are all universally reconfigurable. triggers, gates, clock divisions and sync signals, polyphonic keyboard playing, velocity, sequencer transport, lfos - you name
configuring your patch is easy - just assign each output as you like in the mutant brain surgery configuration utility, then send the midi sysex file to the module and forget about it - the mutant brain
remembers it all for you.
designed with live and studio performance in mind, the mutant brain does away with wasted panel space and complex menu-diving interfaces, while freeing you from the limited "auto-learn" type midi interface.
an auto-learn interface sometimes doesn't play well with the limitless combinations of different gear setups which today's modular performers play live with.
download the users manual here.