intellijel designs μscale ii
price : $230.00

μthe uscale is now 2.0. here are the biggest changes:
6 hp panel and much bigger graphics (in two colors!).
skiff friendly depth.
uni/bipolar cv switch added to the panel.
16-bit super low inl error ti dac which translates to +/-0.0005v accuracy for pitch cv.
the μscale is a cv quantizer and musical interval generator in 4hp. it has the following features:
12 buttons with matching dual color leds for selecting scale notes in real time (and visual feedback of quantizing).
processes 0-10v (as 1v/oct) in the 'in' input.
accepts 0-10v or ± 5v on the 'shift' input (jumper selectable) for a shift range of ±12semitones or ±12 scale degrees.
two 0-10v outputs (a and b) with 1v/oct scaling.
output b is a user selectable interval based on the root note on output a. this interval can be chromatic (fixed semitones) or diatonic (interval is within the current scale and the value is based on scale
degrees). this interval can be a bipolar value of ±12.
shift has user selectable destinations of note a, b, a+b or the scale root.
shift has user selectable modes of where shifting occurs: before scaling, in scale (diatonic) or post scale (key shifting).
menu for shifting the scale root manually.
special 'scale shift" mode allows the "shift" input to select scales from the current bank (so 12 scales can be selected by cv).
can store 12 scales in 12 banks for a total of 144 different user scales.
module ships with 5 banks preloaded with scales (they can be erased by the user and reprogrammed).
precision trimmers on pcb for fine tuning and scaling the two outputs.
this is a highly versatile and very musical device for creating interesting, beautiful and harmonious musical riffs from just about any analog cv sources. please see the demo videos to get a taste of some of
the creative things you can do with this module.
below is the first demo video where some of the main functions like programming scales, intervals and shifting and some applications are explained.
things not covered in this video:
scale root (manual shifting).
scale select mode.
cv monitor trick.
click here to download the user manual.