kenton electronics
pro-solo mkii
price : $189.00
the pro-solo mkii is designed to control one monosynth and features a single cv & gate output, fully programmable auxiliary cv output and 1 lfo. editing is easy with its led display and non-volatilesetup
memory. can also be used as a sync 24 and arpeggio clock converter.
designed to control all types of mono-synth
super-fast response time
famous kenton build quality
rugged steel case
high specification 16 bit d/a converters for rock-steady pitches
runs from standard 9 volt power supply - centre positive
midi in socket
midi thru socket can be switched to become din sync or aux 2 & 3
any midi channel can be selected
switchable for v/oct & hz/v scaling systems
fine tune & scale are software controllable
transpose (coarse tune) - up & down 12 semitones
adjustable pitchbend range
programmable gate v-trig (up to 15v) or s-trig (with or without pull-up)
multiple and single trigger modes
note priority selection - newest / lowest / highest
old notes are remembered to facilitate trill effects and increase playability
portamento - fixed rate or fixed time modes
auto portamento mode selectable (where legato playing turns on portamento)
portamento controller is selectable
programmable auxilary output controllable by any midi controller
programmable lfo - 9 wave shapes inc. random
lfo can modulate pitch &/or aux output
separate controllers for lfo to cv and lfo to aux
lfo can be synchronised to midi clock
lfo sync point can be selected
key-on can reset lfo
aux1 output can output clock
clock output can select from 1 to 12, 24, or 48 clocks per quarter note
all parameters are controllable in real-time by sysex
set-up are stored in non-volatile memory for easy recall
midi monitor mode - for easy midi troubleshooting