king capitol punishment utopia synth
price : $175.00
the utopia synth consists of four square wave oscillators grouped into two sets...
........within each set one is the modulator and the other is a modulated (main) oscillator....
.......chaotic inter modulation between the oscillator pairs create deep exploding sideband frequencies .........
........the utopia synth delivers a versatile and wide ranging tapestry of sounds from harmonic bliss to cacaphonic terror........
..........get ready to unleash super hugedreamy drones or drastic painful nightmares of absolute noise....all with the flick of a switch.............
... its 1/4 mono output with master volume control may be fed to a mixer, amp, effects pedals, etc...
........each main oscillator has two range selector switches affecting the pitch sweep range..........
....operates on an external 9 volt d.c power adaptor only...