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price : $195.00


the drum-04 module is based upon the circuit used in the mfb-503. it offers a tight bass drum that is adjustable over a wide range in both pitch and decay.

due to the construction of drum-04 as a modular component, the bass drum's sound parameters attack, decay, tune and pitch can be addressed through cv-signals from envelopes, lfos sequencers etc.

the bass drum offers the following functions:
attack adds a short impulse to the sound. by mixing this with the main bass drum sound, the result offers added percussiveness.
decay controls the release length of the sound. the decay can last up to 2 seconds.
tune sets the bass drum's basic pitch between approximately 30 hz and 100 hz.
pitch controls the duration of a applied pitch modulation. the depth of this modulation is fixed.
drive defines the amount of overdrive applied to the bass drum.
noise adds a variable amount of noise to the sound.

the module accepts different trigger signal types. these signals do not necessarily need to be analogue or digital triggers. you may also use drum pads, piezo-pickups or even dynamic microphones. use the sensitivity control to adapt for the input signal. dynamic trigger signals will not only affect the volume but also attack, decay and pitch.

the module has a width of 60 mm (12 te).

Analogue Haven