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price : $195.00

the drum-07 module is based upon the cymbal- and hihat-sound-circuit of our mfb-522 drum-computer, slightly modified and expanded. in comparison to the drum-03 module that also generates cymbal and hihat sounds, drum-07 does not use white noise as sound source but a metallic oscillator mixture.

drum-07 was developed as a modular component. therefore, the parameters decay for cymbal and open-hihat and tone can also be controlled by cv-sources like envelopes, lfos, step-sequencers. manual adjustment is available for the parameter tune that affects both cymbal and hihat as well as for the closed-hihat's decay.

triggering open-hihat, closed-hihat and cymbal of the module is possible through various signal types. besides sequencer generated analogue and digital trigger-signals, drum-pads, piezo- and dynamic microphones may also be used. here, the sens-controls allow individual adjustment of the input sensitivity. dynamic triggering will not only affect the sound's volume but also attack and sound length slightly.the functions in detail:

the hihat sound is created by several square-oscillators that are fed into a band-pass-filter. two decay controls allow individual sound-length-adjustments for closed- and open-hihat. in addition, the decay parameter for the open-hihat can be controlled by cv-voltage. tune sets the frequency for all square-oscillators simultaneously. because the cymbal sound accesses the same oscillators, tune also affects this sound.

the cymbal sound is based upon the same sound source as the hihat, only that it uses two band-pass-filters that individually shape the attack- and decay-phase. however, the decay parameter controls the length of both attack and sound length. this parameter can also be controlled by an external cv-source. tone sets the balance between the differently filtered signals paths. this parameter is also under cv-control but does not offer an internal attenuator. a specialty of the cymbal sound is its tone-input. here, you can connect an external sound source that replaces the drum-07's internal square-oscillators for the decay phase. the internal oscillators are still in use for the sound's attack-phase.

the module has a width of 60 mm (12 te). it is equipped with a connector cable compatible to doepfer's system-bus.

Analogue Haven