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cascading register

price : $299.00

Cascading Register

the cascading register from omiindustriies is a source of pseudo-random voltages and gates using a shift register-based architecture. it takes inspiration from digital shift registers, runglers, linear feedback shift registers (lfsrs), and analog shift registers. the module features an eight-bit shift register and voltage-controlled clock; broken into four main function blocks: clocking, data, cv, and gates.

the shift register includes eight gate outputs and three variable cv outputs derived from the state of those gates. cv 1 is determined by ∅∅, ∅1, ∅2, and ∅3. while ∅2, ∅3, ∅4, and ∅5 correspond to cv 2 and ∅4, ∅5, ∅6, and ∅7 make up cv3. this grouping of stages creates three copies of the same data shifted by two clock pulses. each cv output includes variable control over the amplitude. cv1 and cv2 include attenuverters and cv3 uses an attenuator. the eight pseudo-random gate outputs work great as both timing and modulation sources, particularly when used with percussive modules.

data comes from the data gate input, manual seed button, and three feedback taps from the shift register itself; with each part of the data stream xor'd with the other parts. while the module includes a voltage-controlled clock normalized into the clock input, it accepts a wide range of external clock sources, from sub-audio to audio, all the way to video rate signals. the module includes normalization from cv3 to the cv input on the clock oscillator, creating a self-influencing feedback configuration without the need for any patch cables. when using an external clock signal, the internal clock works great as a data source by patching from the clock output to the data input.

download the users manual here.

Analogue Haven