pittsburgh modular cell[90] foundation desktop expander
price : $1,399.00
the cell[90] foundation desktop expander is designed to complement the foundation with increased modulation, sound sources, effects modules and a lot more. the expander adds an astounding set of new
possibilities to the foundation desktop. sequencing, voltage controlled analog delay, a selection of voltage controlled modulation and sound sources are the tip of the iceberg. adding an expander to the
foundation desktop creates an extremely deep synthesizer with an endless array of sonic possibilities to explore.
cell[90] foundation expander modules
bender: dual cross modulated, voltage controlled lfo
generator: dual frequency modulated oscillator
genxpander: waveshaper / wavemangler expander module for the generator
analog delay: 8192 stage bucket brigade delay line
sequencer: 8 step assignable voltage sequencer
inout: multi-purpose input and output module
dual vca: attenuated cv input with individual and mix outputs
adsr: dual mode 4 stage eg (attack, decay, sustain, release)
mixer: multifunction 4 channel mixer / attenuator
m3: signal splitter and dual unity gain mixer/splitter
cell [90] foundation expander specs
cell [90] case
single row hardwood side panels
450ma universal linear power supply
15 patch cables
cell [90] foundation expander user manual