pittsburgh modular system 10
price : $649.00
the pittsburgh modular system 10 synthesizer offers direct access to a wide array of modern, analog monosynth sounds. without a single patch cable, floor shaking bass and aggressive leads are just a few knob
tweaks away. plugging in a few patch cables opens the pittsburgh modular system 10 synthesizer to complex experimentation by offering unlimited control over both the modulation and audio signal paths. the full
functionality of the waveforms oscillator, lopass gate, lfo, envelope generator, vca, midi, mixer, and outputs can be split apart and used as standalone synthesizer modules. all of the elements of a classic
voltage controlled, modular synthesizer are available as an open, patchable, modern synth.
the system 10 synthesizer features a complex waveforms oscillator. standard triangle, square, and saw waves are available alongside a sub oscillator and our new blade wave. the blade wave is a rich, modulatable
saw that can be controlled in several unique ways.
the system 10 synthesizer also features our new lopass gate. the lopass gate uses a highly tuned set of vactrols to produce everything from natural sounding filter sweeps and res'd out piercing leads to organic
percussion. the lopass gate has 3 modes of operation: low pass filter, vca, and lopass gate. in lopass gate mode, the filter combines the features of both the low pass filter and vca to produce a harmonically
rich, intricate sound.
download the manual here.