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monolith: fm reverb

price : $309.00

Monolith: FM Reverb

the monolith is a pitch-shifter reverb inspired by west coast synthesis techniques. it utilizes a time-domain based fm algorithm that acts as a shimmer.

in l and in r - audio input, left will be converted to stereo if there is no right input blend - knob and cv for controlling the fade between the dry and fm audio signals dj filter - knob and cv for controlling the reverb delay line filtering wet - knob and cv for controlling the reverb decay mod - knob and cv for controlling the scale of fm modulation. low mod values correspond with microtonal pitch regions. high mod values correspond with multiple octave shifts. on - button and cv gate for toggling on/off fm modulation. when fm modulation is turned on/off, the fm modulator oscillator is reset. quant - button and cv gate for toggling on/off fm pitch quantization. freq and v/oct - knob and cv for controlling the frequency of the fm modulator oscillator. also control reverb pre-delay. shape - knob and cv for controlling fm modulator oscillator shape. shape wavetable transitions from sine wave (8 o'clock) to triangle wave (12 o'clock) to square wave (4 o'clock). clock - cv gate for tempo syncing modulator oscillator period.

out l and out r - audio output gate - cv gate out that is period synced with the fm modulator oscillator

100 ma +12v 40 ma -12v
14 hp
35 mm deep

Analogue Haven