soundmachines sy1: synesthesia
price : $190.00
syn·es·the·sia (noun): a concomitant sensation and especially a subjective sensation or image of a sense (as of color) other than the one (as of sound) being stimulated; also : the condition marked by the
experience of such sensations.
have you ever dreamed of controlling lights with your music? to change the hue of the backdrop of your live set against the vcf opening and closing? the frequency of the strobo to the lfo that triggers your
buchlabongos©? or the pan and tilt of a moving head projector to the pitch and envelope amount of your bassline? either on stage or in your studio you can enjoy the contamination between aural and optical
stimuli and feedbacking one through the other...
you can easily configure the module to control any dmx lighting device, more than one at a time!
have a good synesthesia!
download the users manual here.