stg soundlabs .com
price : $160.00
.com is a comparator and divider network configured for audio applications. think of it as an elaborate version of the pwm and suboctave of the sh-101. or if you're not familiar with the sh-101, think of it as
a little box you can put any waveform into and get a pulse wave and 4 varieties of suboctave from.
the signal input is where you would put whatever you want to turn into a pulse wave into.
the threshold control sets the "flip" point of the comparator, and has a range of approximately negative five volts to positive five volts. think of it as a pulse width control.
the threshold input is summed with the manual control, and allows for external modulation of the threshold point. think of it as a pulse width modulation input.
next are five outputs. they are all ten volt peak-to-peak signal to play nice with other audio modules. this is unlike the sh-101, where the suboctave had a dc offset which made its bass frequencies not as
strong as they could have been.
the first is the direct output of the comparator. in pulse width terms this is zero to one hundred percent.
the second output is a 50 percent duty cycle wave one octave lower than the main output.
the third output is a variable output, from one to forty-nine percent duty cycle, one octave lower than the main output.
the fourth output is a 50 percent duty cycle wave two octaves lower than the main output.
the fifth output is a 25 percent duty cycle wave two octaves lower than the main output.