studio electronics
price : $99.00

space conscious, 4 in/1 out high quality audio and cv mixer. unity gain is achieved at 3:00 on the dial.
four pots:
lvl 1, lvl 2, lvl3, lvl 4.
five patch points:
out, in 1, in 2, in 3, in 4.
all controls and patch points:
lvl 1 - adjusts the level of in 1.
lvl 2 - adjusts the level of in 2.
lvl 3 - adjusts the level of in 3.
lvl 4 - adjusts the level of in 4.
out - composite output.
in 1 - audio/cv input 1.
in 2 - audio/cv input 2.
in 3 - audio/cv input 3.
in 4 - audio/cv input 4.
size - 6hp
depth - 25mm with ribbon cable attached
power usage - 15ma