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studio electronics

price : $199.00


quadnic reps. our 2nd collobaration with spacehardware-a deeply featured 12hp module with four digital oscillators-each with a selection of 64 waveforms, 7 different processing modes including phase distortion and wave sequencing, and a dedicated volt per octave input. in unison mode, all 4 oscs can be played via the 1st 1v/o cv input and widely detuned, or switched to a preset chord formation-a major move beyond the 'one note samba' monophonic, module choreography we all know and mainly love, but... scooch over grainy, quadnic is cookin' up digi-vittles for four. "come 'n' git it!"

the four oscillator structure image gets one into the weeds of the sound; click here for a purely horizontaly oriented vector/text-based .pdf.

master matters:
with master mode switched on, the oscillator responds to it's own cv input.
oscillators 2 to 4: if master led is not lit, the oscillator responds to cv 1, with the pitch control adding +/-1 octave offset.
oscillator 1 always responds to cv input; the other oscillators follow cv 1 if they are not set to master.
when all 4 oscillator switches/lights are selected, the quadnic is in unison mode and all oscillators follow cv 1; the front panel control affects all 4 oscillators.
to get all oscillators to same pitch, adjust the pitch and fine controls.
to get all oscillators to play the same sound (they are quite independent), adjust all controls.
all 4 osc lights on, with master selected: unison and chord can detune massively up to 4 octaves.
all 4 osc lights on, with master not selected: unison and chord produce chords.

the 'water table' connections.

inputs and outputs
1v/oct 1 - oscillator 1, 1 volt per octave input. 0-10v input range. controls the pitch of any other oscillator that is set to slave mode.
1v/oct 2 - oscillator 2, 1 volt per octave input. 0-10v input range. only affects oscillator 2 when in master mode.
1v/oct 3 - oscillator 3, 1 volt per octave input. 0-10v input range. only affects oscillator 3 when in master mode.
1v/oct 4 - oscillator 4, 1 volt per octave input. 0-10v input range. only affects oscillator 4 when in master mode.
proc cv - process cv input. +/-5v input range. one cv input for all oscillators, but can be attenuated for individual oscillators using the process cv control.
out 1 - oscillator 1 output.
out 2 - oscillator 2 output.
out 3 - oscillator 3 output.
out 4 - oscillator 4 output.

size - 12hp
depth - 35mm including connectors
power usage - 50ma max

Analogue Haven