studio electronics
price : $59.00

two audio or cv routers-bidirectional-despite what the nomenclature states. bring a signal in and switch between two desirable destinations. center off switch. great for instantaneous audio or cv effects:
flip your wilson between polar opposites, or subtly nebulous contrasts with your fingers... mainly.
two switches
1-2, 1-2
six patch points
out 1, out 2, in a (top), in b, out 1, out 2 (bottom).
all controls and patch points
out 1 - output #1.
out 2 - output #2.
in a - input a.
1-2 (in a) - switch between output 1 and 2.
1-2 (in b) - switch between output 1 and 2.
in b - input b.
out 1 - output #1.
out 2 - output #2.
size - 2hp
depth -15mm with ribbon cable attached
power usage - passive