super synthesis eg
price : $75.00
eg is an all analog voltage controlled attack-decay envelope generator with an end of cycle (eoc) trigger output in 6hp. eg is lively and interactive, and covers all your basic rise and fall cv needs: tight transients, long swells, and rubbery filter
trig: trigger input. a rising edge (trigger, clock, etc) fires the envelope.
eoc: "end-of-cycle". a ~5ms trigger output when envelope returns to 0v after being triggered, signaling the end of the cycle. along with cv input, this can function as a voltage controlled trigger delay. can be patched to the trigger input to self-trigger and
re": "re-trig" toggles between one-shot and re-triggerable modes. in one-shot mode, eg will wait until the current cycle is finished before responding to incoming triggers. this yields behavior like a clock divider where, for example, 1/16 note triggers in yield
1/4 note envelopes out. along with the ?cv? input, this allows a ton of variation from a steady stream of input triggers.
cv: through associated attenuverter, this input modulates the overall length of the envelope.
eg's max output is ~6v.
loopable, chainable, fast-as-you-need-it. eg is a staple.
+12v: 30ma
-12v: -30ma