electronics from the iron curtain
model 1123: king slender
model 1873: bionic lester
model 1873 mark iii: bionic lester
model 1973 mark ii: tyme sefari
model 1973a mark ii: a sound of thunder
model 1974: stillson hammer
model 1974 mark ii: stillson hammer
model 1979: black locust
model 1979: stilton adaptor
model 1980: evin 209
model 1982: polivoks vcf
model 1983: polivoks vcg
model 1984: kuzminorgel
model 1985: polivoks vca/envelope
model 1986 mark ii: zorlon cannon
model 1986a: qotile ultimatum
model 1987: polivoks modulator
model 1991 mark ii: piston honda
model 1991 mark iii: piston honda
model 2012 mark ii: malgorithm
model 2017: double andore
model 2017 mark ii: double andore
model 2063: kermit
model 2063 mark iii: kermit
model 2401: english tear
model 5537: argos bleak
model 9791 mark ii: hertz donut
model 9791 mark iii: hertz donut