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this is not rocket science
geometric anomaly

price : $799.00

Geometric Anomaly

born out of the legacy of their rectangularthing analog voice and infused with lessons learned in their expansive fenix iv synthesizer, the geometric anomaly from tinrs is a comprehensive analog voice with unique cross modulation capabilities. as with much of the modular synth world, great things are always better in pairs, which is why the geometric anomaly comes equipped with two each of oscillators, filters, and adsr envelopes to enable complex and powerful sound design. with a ton of cv ready patch points, audio breakout jacks, and unique wave switching feature, the geometric anomaly is well suited as the centerpiece of a monophonic system, covering all angles of synth techniques to traverse new topologies of timbral exploration.

the two oscillators in the geometric anomaly are based on the curtis 3340 chip, the same starting point used in a wide variety of some of the most acclaimed synths ever to hit the market. these rich oscillations wiggle in sawtooth, triangle, and square shapes, each of which can be independently mixed together to derive more complex tones. in addition to fm cross modulation, pwm, and sync options between the two, a unique feature called the "rambler" from rectangularthing has returned in the ? and ! level controls, which use the square suboscillations of one channel to swap the output to the second oscillator at audio rate, creating a mixed waveform by splicing the two together at cycle end points. altogether, this suite of spectral shaping tools provides immense timbral range in a relatively compact module - and that's just the oscillators!

to complete the voice, two adsr envelopes and two filters with distinct topologies round out your sound design options. in the filter section, the geometric anomaly provides two classic topologies with a multimode state-variable filter and moog-style resonant low pass ladder filter. switches for routing each oscillator to either filter offers flexible routing without patch cables, with additional options to switch the svf between highpass and bandpass modes. to experiment with the rest of your system, you can break out the signal before each filter with the insert i/o pairs, or use the unfiltered raw output for parallel processing and more. control volume and modulation of the geometric anomaly's cv inputs with two independent adsr envelopes that are normalled to both filters with attuverting modulation depth controls.

a fully featured monophonic synthesizer that sounds great on its own and transcends into far off realms in a larger modular system, the geometric anomaly is a multi-faceted analog voice that offers a rare amount of potential for cv manipulation and timbral shaping. if you're in need of new sonic shapes that only modular synths can provide, the geometric anomaly from tinrs is ready to blast you off into new dimensions and unheard sonic territories.

fully analog monophonic synth voice module
2x curtis 3340-based oscillators with sawtooth, triangle, and square shapes
additional rambler waveshape for each oscillator splices together shapes of both oscillators for complex tones
oscillators feature control and cv input for pwm, fm cross modulation, external fm, glide control, and sync for vast timbral range
state variable filter with switchable low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass modes
dedicated low-pass ladder filter
each filter features insert inputs and outputs for inserting additional effects
independent volume and modulation adsr envelopes
mod envelope normalled to filter cutoff frequencies with attenuverter control

width: 36 hp
depth: skiff friendly
power usage +12v: 145ma
power usage -12v: 135ma

download the manual here.

Analogue Haven