verbos electronics composition system
price : $4,399.00
the composition system is a modular system from mark verbos which includes the majority of his modules mounted in a thin, black wooden case with custom verbos power and cincon adapter, aluminum blank panels
to fill the gaps and 30 assorted grey verbos patch cables.
the goal for the system is best described by its name- to make music. the wide functionality of the included modules covers everything one would need in a starter system and leaves a little leftover space
for expansion. users with their own modular can also use the composition system to expand on the modules they already have.

the 9 included modules are:
amplitude & tone controller
complex oscillator
dual four pole
harmonic oscillator
multi-delay processor
scan and pan
voltage multistage

purchased separately, this system would cost approximately $5200. when buying everything together the total price is discounted by over 15%.
the systems are limited in this configuration, determined by the number of cases we can get from the supplier.