waldorf rocket
price : $299.99
no one expected this rocket launch, which is in clear violation of several un resolutions and basic laws of physics. unlike conventional missiles, this one comes in a square shape and will be sold world-wide
in complete ignorance of german governments exports restrictions.
it's incredible sound is much more louder than the legendary saturn v engine, and never before has this been achieved with such an enormous fun factor. it features an analog multimode vcf with lowpass,
bandpass, and highpass, resonance up to self oscillation and beyond, a powerful monophonic oscillator section with ultra high density sawtooth and unison for chord play.
furthermore equipped with a powerful arpeggiator and a destructive booster circuit, this rocket is technologically way ahead of all current defense systems.
rocket is an ideal fun sound design machine, which in combination with its extremely attractive price, will appeal to any sound designer and musician interested in quality sounds. it works as a stand-alone
instrument or in any imaginable music production environment. but its most important feature is of course its sound: a real waldorf synthesizer, powerful, direct and with a lot of love for the
and of course, this rocket is 100% made in germany - with love!
analog multimode-filter (vcf) with low pass / band pass / high pass
highly flexible oscillator-section with pulse width modulation and hard sync
up to 8 oscillators in unison for chords or ultra high density sawtooth
low frequency oscillator (lfo) for modulation
envelopes for vca, vcf and sync
booster circuit to generate aggressive sounds
arpeggiator with different rhythmic patterns
usb powered
midi in and out
extensive control panel with high-end pots and switches
control via midi and usb
midi clock sync
line output
loud headphone output
launch key for easy pre listening
download the manual here.