wmd/ssf modbox
price : $199.00
the modbox is a tempo syncable modulation source with a three-phase lfo, cv skewable lfo, sample and hold, and white noise generator.
lfo 1 is a three-phase lfo with independent outputs for each phase which are set at 0, 120, and 240 degrees. shape can be switched between sine, triangle, and saw with a push of a button.
lfo 2 is a skewable lfo with three shapes. the lfo shape can be smoothly changed from a ramp through triangle to saw wave shapes. the skew shape can be changed with the skew knob or with cv.
the sample and hold circuit's clock is normalled to the 2nd lfo but can be clocked externally as well. the sample and hold samples voltage from and internal white noise source. there is also an input for
an external sample source. white noise has it's own output as well for use with other modules and applications.
both lfos can be sync'd to an external clock source by holding the wave shape button for different lengths of time. as they are independent of each other, one can be sync'd while the other runs free like a
gazelle on an african plain.
tempo sync calculates the time between incoming clocks and reacts instantly to each new clock pulse. each rate knob becomes a multiplier/divider when sync is engaged.
two independent, clock syncable lfos
sample and hold circuit
white noise generator
three phase lfo with 3 shapes and independent outputs for 0, 120, and 240 degrees out of phase.
skewable lfo with three wave shapes controllable with knob or cv
fast and easy syncing with external clocks
only 6 hp.
3ɸ rate: controls the speed of the three-phase lfo. acts as a clock multiplier/divider when clock sync'd with multiplications on the right and divisions to the left. divide/multiply by up to
skew rate: controls the speed of the skewable lfo. acts as a clock multiplier/divider when clock sync'd with multiplications on the right and divisions to the left. divide/multiply by up to 16.
skew shape: allows the change of wave shapes for the skewable lfo with a knob. becomes an offset with cv.
wave shape button (tap): changes the shape of the 3ɸ lfo.
wave shape button (hold): tempo sync the lfos to an external clock via the sync input. when the led next to a rate knob is red (may look purple when the blue led is on), the respective lfo is clock
3ɸ cv: controls the speed of the three-phase lfo when free-running. shifts phase forward and backward with respect to the clock when sync'd.
skew cv: controls the speed of the skewable lfo when free-running. shifts phase forward and backward with respect to the clock when sync'd.
size: 6hp
current draw: -27ma, +75ma
depth: 40mm
download the users manual here.