wmd fat man
price : $250.00
the wmd fatman is a funky new envelope filter providing massive tweakability. the fatman produces a vast range of filter sounds with easy to use controls. with the key input, an
external source can modulate the filter for dramatic artistic expression. the fatman is an incredibly powerful device with the quality expected in a boutique pedal, plus some
original features for players on the cutting edge of musical innovation.
12 filter frequency ranges
tweakable filter feedback
lowpass & bandpass filter mode
reverse sweep
tweakable attack speed
internal gain adjustment
key input
hand wired true bypass
violet led
top quality components
super hard epoxy powder finish
fat & warm pure analog circuity
integrates easily into your pedal rig
the controls
the attack knob adjusts the speed of the filter. fully slow opens the filter like your foot on a wah pedal. fully fast will open and close the filter nearly instantly making the
attack of each note very pronounced. fast attack will also move the filter around during note bending and the beating of slightly out of tune notes.
the threshold knob adjusts the volume sensitivity of the filter. turning it up causes the filter to begin working sooner, or at lower levels. adjusting this lets you control the
frequency that the filter opens up to in a given range.
the feedback knob controls how much you hear the filter working. turning it up adds more of the frequency the filter is moving at to the sound. all the way down and the fat man
subtly removes frequencies like a moving passive filter. turn it up and the filter becomes more audible. dime it and you'll be able to make it quack and thump depending on where
the range is set.
the range switch selects between 12 distinct frequency ranges, controling the tone of the filter. the lowest setting goes down to 20hz and provides movement in the sub-bass
frequencies. the highest range tops out at 7khz. each range has its own sound and response characteristics.
the sweep up/down switch controls where the filter starts and moves to. when in "up" mode, the filter startes at the lowest frequency and as volume increases, the frequency moves
up. when in "down" mode, the filter is at its max frequency for the range and moves downward as the volume increases. down acts as a tone compressor.
the lowpass/bandpass switch changes the way the filter affects low frequencies. lowpass mode is more subtle affecting only the highs in the signal. bandpass mode sounds more like
a wah pedal, allowing only a narrow band of sound through. bandpass mode has much more feedback and a very strong sound.
the bypass footswitch enables and disables the fat man. when bypassed, the fat man will not touch your tone. true bypass wiring means that your signal goes in and right out
instead of being degraded by unnecessary electronics. good stuff.
the internal gain control lets you set the output volume of the fat man. the fat man can put out a lot of level, so turning this down will clean up the signal for the device
following the fat man. turning it up will add some extra juice for driving quiet devices. this control doesn't affect the fat man when bypassed.
key input
the key input lets an external source control the filter. for example, you plug a drum machine into the key in and automate the wah on your guitar. or, you put the mic in your
drummer's kick drum and plug the bass into the main in; the kick and bass work together to create a new sound. the fat man's versatility is intended to spark your creativity.
there are literally tons of things that can be pluged into the key in to control the filter.
getting the most out of the key input requires proper setting of the attack and threshold controls. if the attack is too slow, the filter won't move around much. set the
threshold to get the desired amount of movement.
the fat man is made from milled die-cast aluminum and then powder coated purple and lettered with bright red epoxy paint. this makes the fat man easily stand up to the rigors of
the road. plus, a voilet led tells you when the fat man is engaged.
only the highest quality components are used in the electronics, simply because the sound better. less noise and distortion are the goal. each pedal is extensively tested for low
noise and sound quality.